谢邀~ 首先,狗的脑容量很小,无法和人类相比;其次,大脑结构不一样,不能完全和人比较。但是动物有类似人的癫痫发作,在神经系统科学文献中是有记载的,比如猫、猩猩等等都会得癫痫。不过,这些动物得的癫痫和人类的癫痫表现是不一样的… 下面是我写的论文节选的一部分(我在这篇论文里详细描述了猫、狗和其他一些哺乳动物的癫痫表现): “The majority of the animal models used in epilepsy research are of human origin due to their similarity with respect to anatomy, physiology and disease pathogenesis. However these animals do not necessarily show all features present in epileptic humans which can make extrapolations from them difficult or misleading”[1]. In this study we examined whether three different species (cow, cat and dog) developed seizures when placed on a novel object test similar to that found in epileptogenic children [2,3] while undergoing MRI scans before and during the testing session. We did so by comparing the animals’ brain activity to that observed in patients who showed interictal discharges on EEG, i.e. patients whose electrodiagnosed focal epilepsy likely originated from a non-localized seizure focus within the limbic system(4). The results indicate that both cats and dogs develop transient changes in functional connectivity corresponding to interictal activity patterns seen in epileptic patients. This suggests that despite anatomical and evolutionary differences from man , certain types of epileptic activity exist across species including those with a focal onset of seizures like children with medically intractable partial epilepsy. ” 可见尽管人和狗的演化历史不同,但它们的神经系统还是会有一些相似之处,所以在某些疾病的表现上也会有些许近似。所以,我认为说狗会得癫痫是合理的。
至于题主问的症状是不是癫痫,需要更详细的资料才能判断。 以上,仅供参考^_^